The Cause.
    The Cause.

    Smoke-Free Arabia


    #LetsCleartheAir, Together

    Realizing our vision requires collective effort. We invite you to join us in this crucial journey towards a healthier, smoke-free Arabia. Together, we can make a real difference.
    Badael is committed to creating a smoke-free Arabia. Our mission aligns with Vision 2030, and we're dedicated to helping one million Saudis quit smoking by 2028. By joining us, you become part of a transformative journey towards a healthier future for all.
    Badael is committed to creating a smoke-free Arabia. Our mission aligns with Vision 2030, and we're dedicated to helping one million Saudis quit smoking by 2028. By joining us, you become part of a transformative journey towards a healthier future for all.
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    Our Achievements.

    In our first year, Badael has:

    Expanded our manufacturing capabilities in Jeddah.
    Invested in research and development to enhance our product offerings.
    Diversified our distribution channels, surpassing one million e-commerce orders.
    Continuously growing our retail presence.
    #LetsCleartheAir Campaign
    To mark our first anniversary and World No Tobacco Day, Badael launched the #LetsCleartheAir campaign. This initiative invites individuals, organizations, and government entities to unite in the effort to create a smoke-free Arabia.
    about our philosophy
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    By signing our pledge, you commit to:

    1. Raise Awareness
    We educate communities about the dangers of smoking and the benefits of a smoke-free lifestyle.
    2. Support Quitters
    Offering support and resources to individuals aiming to quit smoking is our priority.
    3. Protect Youth
    Through education and preventive measures, we safeguard our youth from tobacco and nicotine harm.
    4. Promote Clean Air
    We advocate for smoke-free public spaces and workplaces, promoting policies that enhance the health benefits of clean air.
    5. Respect the Environment
    Reducing tobacco waste and promoting environmental responsibility are integral to our mission.
    Support our vision for a smoke-free Arabia by signing the pledge. Together, we can make a significant impact on the health and well-being of our community.

    Sign the Pledge for A Smoke-Free Arabia


    For more information or media inquiries, please contact: [email protected]